Healing power of essential oils
Many essential oils have anti-inflammatory properties: frankincense, myrrh, peppermint, lavender, turmeric, and clove oils, just to name...

5 Steps to Help Prevent Cancer
In last weeks blog, we discussed the Top 10 cancer causing foods and how to avoid them and this week we want to share the top 5...

Top 10 Cancer Causing Foods to Cut Your Cancer Risk in Half
Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs): The rapidly growing industry of genetically modified crops are infiltrating our food supply at an...

A positive link between Vitamin D and Cancer!
Doctors have known that low levels of vitamin D are linked to certain kinds of cancers as well as to diabetes and asthma, but new...

National Cancer Prevention Month
February is National Cancer Prevention Month. I appeal to all decision-makers and influencers in government, education, healthcare, media...
After affects of 9/11
We found this article on CNN, August 15th 2016 (5400 diagnosed with cancers linked to September 11 attacks) and we wanted to share it...

How exercise can prevent cancer!
Exercise is critical for improving one’s overall health. It is the key to cardiovascular wellness, respiratory productivity and improving...